Justice on the border: When do foreigners have rights under America’s constitution?

Justice on the border
When do foreigners have rights under America’s constitution?
from The Economist

Fernández v Mesa which revolves around the death of a Mexican teenager on the Mexican border is a hard case and reached the Supreme Court

In 2010, American border-patrol agent Mr Mesa killed 15-year-old Mr Hernández who was just playing with friends as video evidence confirms

Since the act took place on Mexican soil, the constitution does not apply and the parents have no basis for a suit

It’s the same as Iraqi people who had lost a leg or a family member in Obama’s drone strikes cannot bring lawsuits to US’s Supreme Court

Mr Hilliard, the parents’ lawyer, could not find a proper reason to make his client win and exasperated sympathetic Justice Breyer

The liberal-leaning justices did their best and implied that when the border is fuzzy, the border agent is responsible for the shooting

In view of the tensions between Mr Trump and Mexico, Justice Kennedy’s hope for rapport between the two countries may not be realistic

If the justices are split 4-4, they could call for a new hearing with a dilemma: encourage constitutional claims or empower border agents
